16. December 2020
Online-Vorlesungsreihe der Planetary Health Academy, 14-tägig bis zum 10.02.2021. Anmeldung erforderlich.
Referent:innen: Teddie Potter (Clinical Professor, Director of Planetary Health, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota), Kai Spiekermann (Professor of Political Philosophy, Doctoral Programme Director, Department of Government, London School of Economics), Jennifer Cole (Research Fellow, Royal Holloway University of London), Katharina Wabnitz (Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge)
Thema: Recognising the planetary health emergency radically changes the perspective on how we live, act and think. This implies critically reviewing existing ethical and philosophical concepts while we engage in transformative action at the same time. How do we understand our relationship to the natural agents and dynamics that we are part of? How do we work together in the face of the evolving emergency? How do we deal with the enormous injustice becoming apparent?
Die Videos der ersten Vorlesungsreihe im Frühjahr 2020 sind im Archiv abrufbar.