
We have restructured our website – the content of the German Scientists for Future can now be found here!
Wir haben unsere Website neu strukturiert – die Inhalte der deutschen Scientists for Future sind jetzt hier zu finden!

Scientists for Future (S4F) International supports the global climate movement by providing facts and materials based on reliable and accepted scientific data to activists, politicians, decision makers, educators and the general public. We are an independent and voluntary collective of scientists, researchers and academics from all kinds of disciplines, united by our deep concern for our shared future. Our self-organizing grassroots movement is informed by scientific evidence and motivated by our human conscience. 

Our Goals

INFORM and COMMUNICATE scientific content
about climate change and ecological disruption

PROMOTE the understanding of sustainable solutions
and help EDUCATE others 

Provide RESEARCH results on climate change
and its impact on nature and humanity 

BRING TOGETHER and CONNECT international scientists
and people to PARTICIPATE and SUPPORT each other

How Scientists for Future International came to be

Support for the climate movement growing worldwide

In March 2019, more than 28,000 scientists signed a statement declaring that the concerns of the protesting students organized as Fridays For Future “are justified and supported by the best available science” in German-speaking countries. More supporting statements from scientists were written in a number of other countries, e.g. in Canada, where the statement can be signed, and a similar effort, Evidence for Democracy raised 901 signatures; in the Netherlands where more than 2000 signatures were collected, and internationally, as an international statement has been signed by more than 7,000 scientists worldwide. The community of S4F is a growing movement with local and regional groups forming spontaneously and democratically. Scientists from all disciplines are actively participating and encouraged to engage in S4F, to contribute expert knowledge spanning the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Why we speak up

Human activities are causing dangerous and irreversible changes to our climate and ecosystems which affect all of our well-being and the future of the world as we know it. Timely, ambitious and robust policies that drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and support the recovery of ecosystems are needed to prevent dire consequences in our Earth’s system – for us and other species. 

Therefore we aim to support citizens, governments and entities shaping our world in quickly applying and enforcing evidence-based climate and nature-protecting measures and policies and request the support of other groups with the same objective.

Networking to help each other

Our intention is to support and help build new national, regional and local S4F groups. All scientists who are committed to an honest and unbiased scientific process are invited to participate, and everyone is welcome to use the peer-reviewed information provided on this website.

We strive to have representation in the scientific communities from as many countries and regions as possible. The climate and ecological crises don’t recognize borders and require a global vision to be effectively addressed. Please see the “Participate” section to join and/or add your signature to the statements:

Statements of S4F 

The statements that started it all.